Category: Book Design Matters

  • Book Design: A Brief, Illuminating History

    Book Design: A Brief, Illuminating History

    Book Design and Covers Have Evolved Over The Years  Book cover design has evolved over history. The use of typefaces, colors, images, and other elements in book design now differs considerably. We may compare the models of the same iconic novels and see how they look vastly different from their first edition book covers and…

  • Sleeking-Lamination: Add Bling To Your Digital Design!

    Sleeking-Lamination: Add Bling To Your Digital Design!

    Sleeking-Lamination Photo: Melanie Perkins 1. Introducing Sleeking-Lamination First Choice Books is proud to add sleeking-lamination to the finishing options we now offer our clients. We are very excited about our newly acquired sleeking laminator which efficiently provides this innovative service. If you’re not sure what sleeking-lamination is or how it works, read on and we’ll…

  • Four Tips On How To Create A Better Coloring Book

    Four Tips On How To Create A Better Coloring Book

    A coloring book can be wildly popular in today’s book market and not just for children — adults are clamoring for them as well.  Why, it is rumored that even the Duchess of Cambridge loves to engage in a little “color therapy.”  After flying off the shelf in record numbers last year, it has become obvious…

  • 3 ways to ensure book sales when self-publishing

    3 ways to ensure book sales when self-publishing

    3 Ways to Ensure Book Sales – “Why isn’t my self-published book selling?” This is a great article by Kristen Eckstein from the Future of Ink, Digital Publishing for Online Entrepreneurs. Her entire article is well worth reading, but here are some highlights that we fully endorse! Yes, Your Book Will be Judged by its…

  • Sorting Out Page Numbering in Word

    Sorting Out Page Numbering in Word

    Page Numbering Guidance – First Choice Books, a Canada Self Publishing company Trying to sort out how to create page numbering in Microsoft Word? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Microsoft Word can sometimes be tricky, and it’s important to have a strong understanding of how the various page styles work before you make the mistake…

  • Talking About Covers

    Talking About Covers

    Authors and Designers Talking About Book Covers It’s no debate – book covers are an important part of a well-rounded book marketing strategy. If you plan on publishing or self publishing a book sometime in the next few years, make sure you know the ins and outs of book cover design. The website Talking Covers…

  • Why you should never use two spaces after a period.

    Why you should never use two spaces after a period.

      Double Spaces After a Period? There is one space after a period, period. Historically, in medieval times, the sentence spacing from a typesetter was all over the place, maybe one space, maybe two, maybe more. Then typewriters were invented.  The longer space after a sentence was made up by two spaces. I can appreciate…

  • The end of the CAPS LOCK key?

    The end of the CAPS LOCK key?

    Caps Lock Key To Be Eliminated? The caps lock key is a toggle key according to Wikipedia. Toggle once for ALL CAPS and twice for small font. Have you ever wanted to disable the caps lock key on a friend’s keyboard? The friend who sends you long emails about the latest outrage,  ALL IN CAPITAL…

  • Self Publishing Cover Design

    Self Publishing Cover Design

    In self publishing cover design, a book cover needs to say it all in one quick, really quick look. The title and image need to be seen as of one mind. Their message needs to be compelling. Your reader needs to feel motivated and moved to buy your book because of these qualities. Want some…

  • Go Ahead, Judge a Book by its Cover!

    Go Ahead, Judge a Book by its Cover!

    Readers judge a book by its cover. Your book may have great content, but without an attractive cover, your book has a much lower chance to sell. Your cover has to be designed to attract the attention of the buyer. Judge a Book An easy solution if you’ve hit a proverbial creative “wall” is to…